Posting on Facebook in 2023: all you need to know

As of right now, Facebook clearly is the platform of choice for the 50+ demographic - a demographic which, contrary to what some might think, has been consistently increasing its levels of social media consumption and engagement.

My guess is that Facebook is currently not high on your list of priorities. Let me challenge this. As of right now, Facebook clearly is the platform of choice for the 50+ demographic – a demographic which, contrary to what some might think, has been consistently increasing its levels of social media consumption and engagement. However, the majority of Facebook users still fall in the 25-35 age range, making for a diverse demographic to engage with your content. With that in mind, give the platform another go and revamp your Facebook strategy with our best practices for posting:

  1. Facebook Reels are an overlooked tool for disseminating your message to a wide audience. According to social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk, Facebook currently offers unprecedented levels of organic reach and dominates the user demographic of 50 to 70 year-olds. Hence, Facebook Reels have the potential to offer access to an untapped audience pool – especially if you already create reels to post on Instagram or TikTok.
  2. Focus on Relevance: When posting on Facebook, it’s important to make sure your content is relevant to your target audience. Some marketers talk about ‘radical relevance’ – a practice where all your advertising content is made with who your ‘ideal’ audience is in mind. By creating content that is tailored to your audience, you increase the chances that it will be shared and seen by more people, while creating high-quality engagement from people who are genuinely interested in what you’re offering.
  3. Utilise Emotion: Posts that evoke emotion tend to get more engagement. If you have a good understanding of your target audience and their values, this can be achieved through the use of storytelling or by sharing inspiring and thought-provoking content. As marketing expert Neil Patel says, emotion is a key factor in driving engagement on social media, and Facebook is no exception.
  4. Encourage Interaction: Encouraging interaction with your audience is a key component of a successful Facebook presence. Ask questions, run contests, and respond to comments to keep your audience engaged and interested in your posts. The Facebook user demographic can also be more genuine in their attachment to brands – hence, interaction is key when it comes to advocacy on Facebook. The more you engage with your audience, the more connected they will feel to your cause and be willing to take action.
  5. Analyse what your competitors are doing. Did you know that you can now visit the Facebook Ads Library and see what your direct competitors and others in your niche are doing. The analysis even gives you an overview of the targeting of each campaign.
  6. Experiment with different formats (photo, video, live) but at the same time be aware that according to the The Global State of Digital 2022 report by Hootsuite, text posts have the highest average engagement rate at 0.13% out of all available post formats on Facebook.