Hello Insiders,

I am delighted to present a list of more than 150 profiles that are worth following in order to keep up to date with what is happening in the Brussels bubble. To begin with, I owe you an explanation of how the list was put together, what criteria were used to decide who would be included on it and who you will not find on the list.

Let me start with an important remark: you will not find politicians or journalists on the list. Both usually have a large social media following and, due to the nature of their positions, are natural influencers. The aim of this list is to identify and highlight those who are not always so well-known, but who make significant and relevant contributions to the debate in the Brussels bubble. The list includes people through whom you can better understand Brussels (and Strasbourg) and gain valuable industry know-how.

We began the preparation of this list with a deep search of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram in the context of the discussions and keywords that the Brussels bubble has been alive with in recent times. We also took into account the line-ups of discussion panels and people mentioned by name in various newsletters. While we diligently sought to encompass all those deserving recognition, we embrace the imperfection inherent in any curated list. I must stress, that to a large extent, this is a list made up of people that my team and I know and follow ourselves. We are therefore mostly recommending accounts we know well and highly value.

All accounts that have made it onto the list meet the following final selection criteria:

1. The account is regularly maintained and contains content created by the author (and not, for example, only retweets of content from the organisation they work for)
2. The predominant language of the account is English.
3. By following their accounts you can learn something, find out and understand things better.

The list is divided into 15 sections, listed below.

Enjoy exploring the list and make fruitful contacts!

Krzysztof Bulski