What influences the lawmakers?

BCW Brussels has published an in-depth analysis of the most influential sources of information that affect top decision-makers of the EU.

Lawmakers in Brussels are not taking policy-related decisions in a vacuum. EU political and institutional decision-making is highly influenced by public opinion, trends existing in media outlets, and all the events taking place in Brussels.

The functioning of the EU Institutions is highly dependent on how well-informed are its members about the matters they are addressing. Therefore, analyzing the sources that Members of the European Parliament, EU institution staff, and opinion leaders are relying on gives us valuable insights into emerging issues and trends on the European Union level.

BCW Brussels has published an in-depth analysis of the most influential sources of information that affect top decision-makers of the EU. The key insights of the 2022 survey conducted by BCW Brussels and Savanta ComRes are:

  • POLITICO has returned as the top most influential media outlet for the EU decision-makers. The platform is recognized for its high-quality analysis and insights, access to insider information, and speed of news delivery.
  • Reuters takes second place for its trustworthiness and positive reputation followed by The Financial Times and The Economist as reliable and influential sources of news and information. The FT attracts the audience with its quality of journalism while The Economist has a high level of expertise.
  • Both EU lawmakers, institutional staff and Brussels opinion formers are accessing news mainly via E-mail newsletters or reading news sites online. Printed media, radio, and tv have experienced a decline in recent years.
  • Impressive 94% of the respondents said that professional colleagues influence their decisions, followed by personal contacts (88%), the information provided by EU institutions or Member States (87%), and specialised policy-specific media (81%)

“By providing robust, evidence-based insights on which channels have the most impact and influence, the EU Media Poll remains a go-to reference for communications professionals looking to understand and influence EU decision-makers,” said Andrew Cecil, CEO of BCW Brussels.

For more detailed insights, read the full article.