New Documentary Uses Storytelling to Shift Perceptions of Europe's EV Industry

Directed by Stijn Van Baarle and led by Dr. Peter Tom Jones, Director at the KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals, the film addresses concerns about Europe's response to the rise of Chinese electric vehicles and the potential risks of de-industrialization due to decarbonization efforts.

The film embarks on a Nordic journey, showcasing efforts in responsible refining, battery production, and EV assembly. It includes interviews with key figures such as Maroš Šefčovič of the European Commission, emphasizing the importance of the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act in shaping the EV industry. This documentary is not just a well-crafted narrative but a call to action, illustrating that Europe's shift to climate neutrality can align with re-industrialization based on clean technology.

Funded by the European Union and co-funded by KU Leuven, the film aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in Europe's transition to sustainable EV production.