New Lifestyle Test Aims to Help Europeans Reduce Environmental Impact

Launched as part of the EU-funded project PSLifestyle, the Lifestyle Test is a free web app that encourages users to make personalized lifestyle choices that minimize their climate impact. This endeavor is backed by ICLEI Europe, a global network of local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development.

The Lifestyle Test is now available in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, and Turkey, with versions in local languages. The app offers users tailored advice based on assessments of their daily impact on the environment. Its goal is to drive Europe towards climate neutrality by encouraging and facilitating individual lifestyle choices that reduce climate impact.

Markus Terho, Project Lead of PSLifestyle and Project Director at Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, highlights the importance of individual contributions to mitigating climate change: "We can all find our own way to live a positive and sustainable life. We are really excited to introduce a new Lifestyle Test that has been developed together with residents of eight European countries. Mitigating climate change is such a huge global challenge, and everyone’s contribution is needed."

The app guides users through a test to evaluate the climate impact of their lifestyle choices. Based on the results, individuals receive personalized suggestions for adjusting their daily routines to reduce their environmental footprint. Users can create a plan that allows them to visualize the impact of their daily actions. Furthermore, users' answers and choices contribute to an anonymous data pool that will assist researchers and policymakers in driving societal change.

What sets the Lifestyle Test apart is its collaborative development process. It was co-created with residents in a series of Living Lab workshops hosted in the eight European countries. Through these Living Labs, participants had the opportunity to shape the test by identifying areas for improvement, including its functions, design, and country-specific lifestyle recommendations. These interactive workshops took place in cities such as Tampere, Turku, and Lappeenranta (Finland); Athens (Greece); Lisbon (Portugal); Ljubljana (Slovenia); and Izmir (Turkey), among others.

Looking ahead to 2024, the PSLifestyle project and ICLEI Europe plan to organize co-creation workshops for public authorities and policymakers in the eight countries involved. The aim is to gather local insights on how to effectively deploy the Lifestyle Test across the EU and identify customization needs.

The Lifestyle Test represents a bridge between climate awareness and individual action, inspiring people to adopt positive, sustainable, and healthier lifestyles while helping to reduce their environmental impact. This initiative exemplifies the importance of individual choices in addressing global climate challenges.

To take the Lifestyle Test and explore its potential benefits, visit this link.